7 Little Words January 20 2024 Mini puzzle answers

7 Little Words daily answers 7 Little Words is one of the most popular games for iPhone, iPad and Android devices. Game is very addictive, so many people need assistance to complete 7 Little Words January 20 2024 Each bite-size puzzle consists of 7 clues, 7 mystery words, and 20 tiles with groups of letters. Solve the clues and unscramble the letter tiles to find the puzzle answers.
This game is the perfect free word game for you all. The game is very fun, challenging and easy to learn like guess the emoji, word cookies and wordscapes. Enjoy modern word puzzles with word searching, anagrams, and crosswords! The game combines the most breathtaking visuals. All answers to January 20 2024 levels are gathered here, so simply choose one you need and then continue to play 7 Little Words game fairly. If you enjoy crossword puzzles, word finds or trivia quizes, you're going to love 7 Little Words!

225 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 225 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 225 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 225 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 225 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5 (225 votes, average: 2,80 out of 5)
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Mini puzzle 1

Clue Solution
Unrestricted 9 letter answer, click here!
Faster 7 letter answer, click here!
Ferret's cousin 4 letter answer, click here!
Came back up 10 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 2

Clue Solution
Like a fountain 6 letter answer, click here!
Marginal 10 letter answer, click here!
One who ships goods abroad 8 letter answer, click here!
Not live 11 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 3

Clue Solution
Saliva 7 letter answer, click here!
Concerning heredity 7 letter answer, click here!
Stock price 5 letter answer, click here!
Commanding guidance 10 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 4

Clue Solution
Impressive comeback 10 letter answer, click here!
Like expired coupons 7 letter answer, click here!
One way to read a book 5 letter answer, click here!
Dreamboat 4 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 5

Clue Solution
Beginner 6 letter answer, click here!
Sending in 9 letter answer, click here!
Qualified 8 letter answer, click here!
Moves one's hand in greeting 5 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 6

Clue Solution
Successfully oppose 9 letter answer, click here!
Acting legend Bogarde 4 letter answer, click here!
Where seconds stand by 4 letter answer, click here!
Unable to eat another bite 5 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 7

Clue Solution
Writing with pictures 11 letter answer, click here!
Outer cover of the eyeball 6 letter answer, click here!
Whirling about 8 letter answer, click here!
Person with a similar voice 10 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 8

Clue Solution
Sudden realization 8 letter answer, click here!
Greenpeace campaign target 7 letter answer, click here!
Act like a tourist 8 letter answer, click here!
Reneging on a loan 10 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 9

Clue Solution
Fifth columnist 8 letter answer, click here!
In an irritated manner 8 letter answer, click here!
Acknowledgment 11 letter answer, click here!
India's "Pink City" 6 letter answer, click here!

Mini puzzle 10

Clue Solution
Former Chief Justice Fred 6 letter answer, click here!
Provide funding for 5 letter answer, click here!
Part of a motor 8 letter answer, click here!
Scrambled word 7 letter answer, click here!

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